When I openly decided to endorse your candidacy for Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District, I incurred the wrath of a good number of friends who are in the PDP, including your opponent H.E Dr. Chris Ekpeyong -who happens to be a close family friend. To him my action was a betrayal of the bond of friendship that has existed between our families. It only took what appeared to be divine intervention for him to ‘forgive’ me.
This was before the election.
Though I must admit and commend my friends for never suggesting that I was paid to endorse you, what they do not know is that 2Baba’s “Nfana Ibagha” is NOT the case between you and I, (as I am yet to get over how you snubbed me for 8years as Governor!).
For me, and as a man desirous of being the next governor of this state, the larger interest of this state far outweighs personal vendetta, hurts, or offences.
As at today, even your worst enemy cannot contest the fact that you are the most potent ‘political megaphone’ that Akwa Ibom State has at the national level and, thus, it is not in the interest of the state to silence that voice. It’s therefore not about me being happy, but about the larger interest of Akwa Ibom State being served.
When the senatorial election results were made public and my friends called to jubilate, I left them in no doubt as to the fact that the world doesn’t end at Itam Junction, but there’s a bigger stake out there.
It’s true that I was quoted as saying that your political decisions would either DISTINGUISH or EXTINGUISH you, when asked in the media about your decision to join APC, the latter is far from my prayer for you.
After due and thoughtful considerations , I have come to plead for a rethink on your desire to seek legal redress and justice at the tribunal – which, in the first instance, is your inalienable and fundamental right.
The main essence of this note therefore, is to appeal to you to please let it be.
In as much as personal satisfaction, personal pride, and the desire that justice be served are strong factors that no one can contest, I would like to believe that, being a man that has been opportuned by God to serve as a two-term governor of our state, you would concur to my assertion that you stand a chance of adding, or bringing to this state something no other person will in this current political dispensation. That gift being that you are in good position to given the honor to choose, say, any ambassadorial appointment in any country, ministerial appointment in ‘choice’ ministry or, even becoming DG, or Chairman in prime Department or Agency of government at the National that you so desire on account of your indisputable current political statue.
You would also agree that Dr. Chris Ekpenyong is definitely good material for the Senate.
Between the two of you, Akwa Ibom State would be the ultimate gainer on the long run, in my considered opinion.
You would also save both of you, distinguished sons of the state, the humongous financial demands of the imminent titanic legal melee (apologies to our lawyers).
Worse still, the betrayals, acrimonies and bitterness that come with legal tussles are all what we are better off doing without. Dr. Chris Ekpenyong, I believe, will appreciate and respect you for sparing him the costs and the distractions at the very least.
As former governor and deputy governor respectfully, you have both grown larger than the sons of Annangland to become sons of Akwa Ibom State and would be respected for putting the interest of the state beyond self.
This is my honest and sincere appeal.
Ponder over this and whatever is your final resolve, you have my best wishes.
Please accept the assurances of my highest regard.
Arc.(Otuekong) Nya-Etok Ezekiel.
AKS2019 GovernorshipCandidate
YDP (Young Democratic Party).