As the 2018 Nigerian Democracy Day celebration approaches, the Coalition of Online Publishers in Akwa Ibom state (COOPA) is set to host the first ever DEMOCRACY DAY Tweet Series to review and analyse the progress of Nigeria’s democracy, with Akwa Ibom State in focus.

Starting from May 21st through May 29th (the D day), the events will feature series of interview sessions with stakeholders in various industries, discussing topics centered around the theme; ‘19 Years of Democracy in Nigeria : Past & Prospects…Akwa Ibom State in focus’.

The coalition of new media practitioners in their numbers, will employ the use of social media channels (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) to highlight development and spotlight personalities, captains of Industries, Politicians,  State and Nation Builders as they discuss the achievements in their fields and proffer suggestions to further better the polity and citizens.

The general public can participate by making  posts using the hashtags #DemocracyAt19 and #AksDemocracyDay2018 for questions and contributions.