By Crown Prince Chris AbasiEyo
Today, the human family faces horrendous crisis situations which have reached the crescendos as never before. At no time was humanity in a more precarious situation than now. From climatic crisis which is becoming harsher to man and his environment, to political hubbubs cascading America and Europe with brutal bloodletting and anarchies thundering through parts of Asia, Africa and elsewhere, have combined to render our once a beautiful world, uninhabitable, threatened and unsecured. These, coupled with the looming collapse of the financial system globally, have brought man to a state of disillusionment over the seeming loss of the hard-won achievements of the human race from ages past, vis-a-vis: sanctity of human life, human brotherhood, environmental stewardship, human rights and general development, which now appear compromised.
The well known journey of man through time and space, or his evolution from intangible to the tangible, from homo erectus (Pithecanthropuserectus) to Homo sapiens, from animal men to human beings, have not been called to be without a price. Therefore, the continuum of man’s evolution from human being to divine being, from knowledge to wisdom and from intellect to intuition, won’t become a reality at a platter of gold. There are huddles to be crossed and prices to be paid as there are prizes too, to be won in the end.
Human historicity, is copious with records of periodic crises as no part of the human family has been spared since the corridors of time. A painstaking appraisal of these crises, bear eloquent testimony to the reality that humanity’s evolution from the alpha of earthly existence, has been characterized by crises. Through these crises which have served as turning points, the progression of human evolution to the present time has been registered. From this standpoint, CRISIS may be viewed from its original Greek meaning, which is ‘to separate’. That is to say, a separation from the old order to a new way of doing things. The Webster’s Dictionary, buttresses this even better in the following words “The point of time when it is decided whether any affair or course of action must go on or be modified, or terminated; a decisive moment; a turning point; a state of things in which a decisive change one way or another is impending.”
From the foregoing, it has become clearer that, every crisis situation, presents a threesome opportunities; continuation with, modification of or separation from an old order to make the way clearer for an “impending change.” With this in mind, the present human crisis is pregnant with an impending change which beckons on man to readjust his heart and mind, and not mere verbal cantillation of the word ‘change.’ The inference here is that, the crisis as faced by humanity today is akin to a mother undergoing painful labour in the maternity ward. Soon after her labour brings forth a child, her joy comes in the morning. This is to say that, the severity of the current human crisis, portents humanity’s migration from human beings to divine beings climaxing in that most globally expected breaking-news, ‘THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST.’ For this, the human family is expected to be both sensitive and responsive to the demands of the time.
Therefore, it must however be borne in mind, that preparation for this eaonian event, is a collective one. When this long expected Son of God reappears, no matter by whatever names He is identified with by the various faiths today, He will appeal to all, answer all questions and satisfy every expectation. Therefore, let us all be wakeful in our duties as well as contribute our quotas, by taking appropriate actions in all seven fields of human endeavours; religion, cultural, political field, scientific, the philosophical, psychological and financial fields. This is informed by the revelation that, this is the age of group unanimity and consentaneity, as opposed to the ages past, when Messiahs came individually, because, as we all know, Christ shall reappear with multitudes of heavenly beings in the full glare of expectant humanity, not just His biological family members as it were 2000 years ago. HOW READY ARE YOU? THERE IS A BETTER WAY THAN THIS!
Crown Prince AbasiEyo, former Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Information, writes from Uyo.